Happy Birthday, Floor | Feliz Aniversário, Floor

Happy Birthday, Floor | Feliz Aniversário, Floor

thumb_184_auto45sdadsa Happy Birthday, Floor | Feliz Aniversário, FloorMemórias são importantes e valem a pena relembrar de muitas coisas. Agora, durante seu aniversário, o Head up High decidiu destacar alguns momentos do último ano, que fez parte de uma carreira íncrivel cheia de grandes mudanças como a sua.
Memories are important and a lot of things are worth remembering. Now, during your birthday, ‘Head Up High‘ decided to highlight a few moments from the last year that was a part of such an amazing carreer so full of great changes as yours.
Que você viva a cada um de seus sonhos e que a cada obstáculo que a vida impor, nunca impeça de você ser uma pessoa melhor, de ser quem você é: Floorgasm. Whoops, Floor Jansen!
Feliz Aniversário, coisa selvagem!
May you live each one of you dreams and that the obstacles life imposes never keep you from being a better person, from being who you are: Floorgasm. Whoops, Floor Jansen!
Happy birthday, wild thing!

Retrospectiva detalhada | Detailed Retrospective
de|from 21.02.14 até|until 21.02.15


FEVEREIRO | February (2014)
ReVamp – Nothing (26.02)

♫ It's the truth against my heart or just my heart against it all?

MARÇO | March (2014)
DVD Soilwork (Helsinki – 21.03)
MasterClass: Helsinki (15.03 – 22.03)

 ABRIL | April (2014)
PrincessTattoo – (05.04)
Avalon – Design the Century (07.04)

♫ The road is open will you find the way.

MAIO & JUNHO | May & June (2014)
Turnê dos EUA | North-American Tour: (Iced Earth & Sabaton) 34 shows
de|from 04.04 até|until 16.05

6 Tour Diaries:

[twocolumns] ReVamp – North American Tour Diary (Part 1)
ReVamp – North American Tour Diary (Part 2)
ReVamp – North American Tour Diary (Part 3) [/twocolumns][twocolumns class=”omega”] ReVamp – North American Tour Diary (Part 4)
ReVamp – North American Tour Diary (Part 5)
ReVamp – North American Tour Diary (Part 6) [/twocolumns]

Turnê Latino-Americana | Latin American Tour: 13 shows
de|from 19.05 até|until 06.06

2 Vlogs:

 ReVamp Vlog 1     ReVamp Vlog 2

Mudança de cidade | Change of city:
Países Baixos (The Netherlands) to Finlândia (Finnland) (22.06)
Conheceu sua sobrinha Rose Olivia | Met her niece, Rose Olivia – Irene Jansen (30.06)

JULHO | July (2014)
Primeira visita ao Acampamento de Verão | First time at the Nightwish Summer Camp (05.07)
Ensaios do Nightwish | Nightwish Rehearsals (09.07)
Acampamento de Verão | Summer Camp (11.07)

Making Off:

[twocolumns] Trailer #1 – The Cabin
Trailer #2 – By The Lake
Trailer #3 – Inside His Head
Trailer #4 – Summer Camp
Trailer #5 – More Campers
Trailer #6 – New Hometown [/twocolumns][twocolumns class=”omega”] Trailer #7 – Almost There
Trailer #8 – London
Trailer #9 – Mixing and Mastering
Trailer #10 – Ready!
Trailer #11 – Endless Forms Most Beautiful [/twocolumns]

AGOSTO | August (2014)
ReVamp no Bloodstock (10.08) – Último show | Last show

♫ Caress the heart that beats wild, but feel my soul!

Sabaton Open Air (14.09)
MasterClass Sweden (19.08)

SETEMBRO  | September (2014)
Finnish YLE TV – Koli, Finland (17.09)
Vocais do Nightwish finalizados |  Nightwish vocals are finished (26.09)

OUTUBRO | October(2014)
MasterClass EXTRA: Roermond (24.10)
MasterClass: Helsinki (30.10)

NOVEMBRO  | November (2014)
MasterClass: Roermond (29.11)

The Power of Love – Countermove
Participação no dia | Took part in it on: 05.12
Lançamento | Release: 09.12

♫ When the chips are down I'll be around!

Sabaton  (20.12)

Sabaton-20.12-a-informação-da-esquerda-MAIS-Girls-Just-Want-To-Have-Fun Happy Birthday, Floor | Feliz Aniversário, Floor

Girls Just Want To Have Fun 😛

JANEIRO | January (2015)
+2 Promocionais | +2 Photoshoots
Photoshoot  – Lehtikuva

FEVEREIRO | February (2015)
Single Élan: 13.02

♫ Listen to a daffodil tell her tale.

Endless Forms Most Beautiful: Março | March: 27, 30 & 31


Stay tuned, it is time to KICK ASS! \m/

Head up High: Your best reference about Floor Jansen! 😉

www.floorjansen.com | www.headuphigh.com.br | www.nightwish.com | www.revampmusic.com

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