Muito OBRIGADA, ReVamp

Muito OBRIGADA, ReVamp


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Before anything, we would like to thank you all for the amazing shows. We waited for so long, and finally it happened. 🙂

Each time that each one of us spent during the shows was a blast, and if we were to describe the point of view of each fan, a video would actually be eternal :). We, ReVamp ARMY talked about and we came to the same conclusion, about the shows.

Every song touched us in a special way, every note, every move, your stage presence were marvelous, and together make this band that we really LOVE: ReVamp!

The tour was a milestone for us and we hope that it remains in your memory, in a positive way. MUITO OBRIGADA for your for attention, caress, for your devotion to the music that you showed at the 6 shows here.


It was the first time I’ve watched a show from a band I REALLY appreciated, and I have to say – it was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had! The whole band rocked hard, their stage presence is awesome! All of them were also really nice and caring with the fans… I felt honoured in meeting them. I can just say thank you for this amazing performance! – CARINE RIBEIRO.

I saw Revamp in Sao Paulo and Curitiba. Both concerts were amazing. The band were powerful and I loved all the songs that they played. I really had a great time and can’t wait to see them again here in Brazil. – TAMILRA LYNN.

ReVamp’s first show in Brazil, I was there! Thank you for the excellent performance of you! I was really impressed with the Floor’s vocal power, versatility and the excitement of all the band. It was worth every moment! – ELIANE.

I want to thank specially the attention, charisma and friendliness of Jord, Henk, Arjan and Ruben. You are fucking awesome and you made a great show with Floor Jansen – one of the best singers I’ve ever seen. – FELIPE COLOMBARI

Thanks For the great studio albums. I would have gone to one of his concerts, but it was not possible. Striking songs that bring unique feelings. This is ReVamp! – GABRIEL ANDRADE.

ReVamp: I LOVE YOU! and need to say: Floor You’re the bests female front vocalist of the world… amazing lives in Brazil. – DIEGO ALVES.

Thanks for the amazing show in Sao Paulo, Floor This is the fourth show I see with you in different bands and it’s amazing how you always surprises best and incredibly charming. You’ll always have my support in everything… Love you. – KARINA GOIS.

You should come back more times! – LAILA FÉO

Revamp, thanks for make the best concert of my life! – ALINE SANTOS.

ReVamp, I would like to thank you for the capacity of making such perfect and intense lyrics alongside strong melodies. In addition, it was a pleasure to be in one of the concerts. Congratulations for all your skills. – DANIELA SCHMIDT.

Well, I dont want to be some kind of cliche groupie, but I thank you for the awesome show you guys did. I had the pleasure to watch the show here on Rio de Janeiro, and I was charmed. Second place, I want to thank you guys for playing “I can become”, I’ve really felt the connection between the band and I, and surely, words are not enough to describe such moment, now there are only memories that will last forever. – EDUARDO PATRICK.

Just saying that ‘Wolf and Dog’ was written for me. I’ve never identified so much with a song’s lyrics. Thanks ReVamp for providing unforgettable moments with your songs in my life. – RICARDO MAZZOTTI.

ReVamp’s first show in Brazil, I was there! Thank you for the excellent performance of you! I was really impressed with the Floor’s vocal power, versatility and the excitement of all the band. It was worth every moment! – ELIANE LOYOLA.

The show’s Revamp in Belo Horizonte was the best in my life! Thanks for the perfect night, you guys are great! And the Netherlands will be the champion of the World Cup! LOL – PAULA ANDRADE.

I waited so long for this show  and when it happened, was amazing… Thanks for that!!! This will be forever in my memories. Long life to Revamp! Come back soon… Sao Paulo will always be waiting for you. – LAÍS FABIANA.

Porto Alegre was very special! thanks for so much emotion! Revamp congratulations for the great show! I hope that bad things that have happened in some concert here in Brazil is insignificant next to the good stuff! I hope you enjoyed slippers, wine and glasses. – DAVID BIO.

Your time with ReVamp in our country was simply amazing. The guys in the band shared a common energy, and all shows in Brazil was fantastic, and that’s all that really matter. I hope you Floor, Jord, Arjan, Matthias, Henk and Ruben … tenham good memories from our country and had fun[?! We hope to see you all soon again! – STÉ DINIZ.

Only big stones can be seen And only strong ones can survive, thanks for the attention, dedication And for your magic! – THOMAS HENRIQUE.

Thank you so much for this show in Porto Alegre! For me was a dream realized. I hope repeat again. Thank you, ReVamp and thank you Floor Jansen! – EDDIE KERMIT.

I would like to thank to ReVamp and especially to Floor Jansen, to a realization of a dream that was the Revamp’s concert in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Since 2004, with the release of the album Invisible Circles, I had the pleasure of knowing the powerful voice of Floor Jansen and so I became a fan. Thank you very much ReVamp and keep rock with us! – FELIPE RIBEIRO.

It is great to see Truth from so close. The deepest meaning of Music. Thanks for the bright night at Bull Pub, Porto Alegre! – SANDRA BONAMIGO.

I‘d like to thank the band for the awesome gig you guys made in Porto Alegre. There was so much good energy and hapiness flowing that it made one of the Best days of my life, if not the best. Thank you so much, hope you come back soon. – TIAGO FOLLMANN.

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ReVamp , thank you for an amazing show in Porto Alegre – Brazil. The band is Awesome *-*’ The Musicians are very talented , friendly and very charismatics. I have a great admiration for yours and i love the band. One magic concert in my life , i never go forget this moment.Thank you again and ”Let Your Demons Dance’‘ HAHA!” – MATHEUS BORGES.

Hello ReVamp! I want to thank them for the tour in Brazil and throughout charisma, sympathy and attention we were dismissed. Also like to congratulate you for the excellent work. The shows were fantastic, full of love and energy! Floor: I hope you have enjoyed the gifts. They simple but with love! We eagerly await the return of you soon. Again, thank you for everything. I really love you. I hope you liked all things I gave to you. Ah, and don’t forget: Let your demons dance! With love, from your fan. – MARCELA FRAGA.

I would like to thank for the great show that I’ve had the honour to watch, and despite the small number of people it was as perfect as large ones. Ps: Floor you are my inspiring muse. – PRISCILA ALMEIDA.

I would like to thank wholeheartedly for that unforgettable night, it was such a wonderful presentation of the band Revamp! Thanks for everything! This show will never be forgotten,it was a very special moment that I will keep with all affection in my heart. – MHEYRA SOUZA.

May 25th…some days might have passed… But the screams are still here, in Porto Alegre! Big smiles, opened hearts, many tears of happiness, many feelings and emotions… There are things that just a fan knows! Thanks, ReVamp, for making us so happy! Thanks for EXISTING! You are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! From your big fan. – GIRREZI RIBAS.

Dear Revamp, I’d like to thank you for this wonderful and amazing show you did in our capital! (Porto Alegre) I was pleased to appreciate the talent of the musicians, and especially of Floor Jansen, who is a model singer. With hes striking personality and style, she beautified our weekend! I want to ask you to think fondly of us, Gauchos (people from the south of Brazil)! Come back soon, please! I love you! – MARÍLIA BAUER.

Hey Revamp!! Thanks so much for coming here in Porto Alegre ! It was absolutely AWESOME!! You really rock!! Hope to see you here soon!! XOXO. – NATÁLIA AZENHA.

Thanks for the excitement you show, besides being beautiful, you are a sensational person, you are captivating, unique, and I thank God for your existence. Your voice is the most beautiful I’ve heard up to today, because you sing with your soul! My admiration for you will always be eternal …. I have no words to express what I feel when I hear you singing, it is something phenomenal! Thank you. – LEILA SILVA.

Thanks ReVamp to make a dream come true, it was an amazing show in Curitiba. I want to see the band way more often! Thanks for the patience with the crazy audience, this is our way to say that we cherish and loved your music!! – GUSTAVO PERETI.

I remain without words for this fantastic dream. Each emotion, each tear, each show, each special moment. What can I say? I’m ReVamped! Thank you so much and count on me. I gonna miss you all.  – JESS CASTRO.

There will always be pros and cons, in life, on a tour, everything. Although, what really count are the good and unforgettable moments, and you guys are part of this. MUITO OBRIGADA for everything, ReVamp. We hope to see you again.

 With love and RESPECT, Head up High ♥

 ReVamp ARMY!

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Correções: Carine, Thomas e Tamira.

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