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[quote](…) True love says you support each other in sickness and in health. You all proved it to be true love by all the patience and sweet messages I got while I was out. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! – Floor.[/quote]
Sejam bem vindos ao melhor fansite dedicado a Floor Jansen. Agradeço pela visita e incrível apoio. Não se esqueçam de curtir a página no Facebook, seguir no Twitter e claro, no Instagram. Grupo Oficial: Floor Jansen — Head up High BR • Official
Be welcome to the best fansite dedicated to Floor Jansen. Thanks for your visitation and amazing support. Don’t forget to ‘like’ the page on Facebook, follow in Twitter and sure, in Instagram. Official Group: Floor Jansen — Head up High BR • Official
www.floorjansen.com | www.revampmusic.com | www.nightwish.com