(English) Recap…
What’s up, guys? Did you miss any news this week? There’s no problem because Head Up High has got your back on this! We’re to keep you updated on the latest news! 😉
→ On November 21st, Floor posted on her instagram about a video shooting. (When will it be launched? Only Tuomas knows. haha)

Nightwish video shoot today!!! Oh yeah this will become something special!!! #nightwish #newalbum #videoshoot #findtheorigin #2015
→ We’ve had the plesure to see three promo pictures taken by Ville Juurikkala.
[image_slider link=”full_url_link” source=”https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10520685_848642011845208_6229754674635472662_n.jpg?oh=4d53acce0a80507e5ec19f72c8f87bce&oe=5515D03F&__gda__=1426039943_6dcd711ab52d11d6f933c97696d152cd”] Nightwish by Ville Juurikkala [/image_slider]
[image_slider link=”full_url_link” source=”https://scontent-a-mia.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1607076_847182491991160_1098166005677382951_n.jpg?oh=6ae260590791deee8960118a8fc4ab14&oe=55181CDF”] Nightwish by Ville Juurikkala [/image_slider]
[image_slider link=”full_url_link” source=”https://scontent-a-mia.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10478544_846865592022850_3762558215425986690_n.jpg?oh=78788d025e3769bf2dc1802ec7df52b8&oe=5508F36A”] Nightwish by Ville Juurikkala [/image_slider]
→ Nightwish released the 8th trailer of the making-of series under the title of “London”! (You can watch the other 7 trailers HERE!)
• Making off – Episode #8 – Londres
→ Find the Origin
Nightwish recently released a new T-shirt’s layout called “Find the Origin” and also stated that the album title is to be announced by Christmas. You can check the men’s t-shirt HERE, the lady-fit HERE, and other t-shirts can be found on Nuclear Blast’s website HERE.

FIND THE ORIGIN: Get ready for spring 2015! Get ready for Nightwish’ new album with this special shirt!!! A perfect outfit for Yuletide when we will announce the name of the album.
→ Countermove:
We simply can’t forget about Countermove (you can find the full post HERE). ). A foundation established this year in support of the Red Cross and in favor of helping women victims of sexual violence. The music video officialy released on December 8th shows that the greatest Dutch metal singers took part in the video and decided to support Countermove. Check the website www.thepoweroflove.nl and donate! beloe, there’s the music video of the song The Power of Love.
→ Single ÉLAN
Nightwish released the cover of Elan, the first single from the their new album. It is to be released on February 13th, 2015, by Nuclear Blast. There’ll also be a Vinyl version of the single. The single tracklist is the following:
1. Élan (album version) 2. Élan (radio edit) 3. Élan (alternate version) 4. Sagan (non-album bonus track)
Vinyl: A SIDE: 1. Élan (album version) 2. Élan (radio edit) B SIDE: 1. Élan (alternate version) 2. Sagan (non-album bonus track)
→ Soundi.
To wrap up this weekly roundup, Floor can be seen in the cover of the Finnish magazine Soundi! Soon we’ll release a Portuguese version of the interview for you guys. Below, there’s a tiny sample of what can be seen in the magazine:
[image_slider link=”full_url_link” source=”https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1484606_851928721516537_1971652535046750475_n.jpg?oh=7693529378c78b7e812bace9f28579d2&oe=54FA4BDA&__gda__=1425905217_b1c5bb2c0369c8b54550fb12069d773a”] Soundi – Dezembro 2014 [/image_slider]
[image_slider link=”full_url_link” source=”https://scontent-b-mia.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10850074_851928571516552_312171890793605980_n.jpg?oh=750b147f0bbf042966cf50cdebcb55fa&oe=55463634″] Soundi – Dezembro 2014 [/image_slider]
Our dear Floor simply won’t settle down! All we can do is try to get to thrilled about what’s happened this week for this is just the beginning! 😉
www.floorjansen.com | www.nightwish.com | www.revampmusic.com
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